More and more people are using mobile devices today. You can now have the technical program guide and exhibiter directories at a moment's notice on your PDA or mobile phone! You can now download and install an Interactive Program Guide for the 2007 IMS Conference scheduled for this June.
This year, the usability and interoperability of the 2006 IEEE MTT-S IMS PDA Interactive Program Guide has been greatly enhanced through the use of Cerience Corporation's Repligo software. Cerience has developed an automated document conversion and management software for handheld computers and smartphones. It enables the conversion, viewing, transporting, annotating and management for documents of virtually any type, on mobile Palm OS, Windows Mobile, Microsoft Smartphones, Nokia Series 60, and Symbian UIQ devices. To view the Program Guide on your mobile device, you will need to install the Repligo Viewer first and then download the Program Guide into your device's main memory or flash storage (CF, SD, Memory Stick)
Download the Repligo Viewer application via the URL links below. Or from the Cerience website, you can download the Windows Installer or type in your mobile device's email address for direct installation. .
Then install the 2007 IEEE IMS Program Guide through normal synchronization methods (ActiveSync, Palm Desktop, etc) .